Diffusion Tensor Imaging
Compute DTI metrics from the eigenvalues of a diffusion tensor online
In this page you can compute any tensor metric from the eigenvalues of a diffusion tensor. Insert the values of the three eigenvalues in decreasing order, then click the HyperSpatioTensoral Button.
\[1 \ge \lambda_1 \ge \lambda_2 \ge \lambda_3 \ge 0\]Lambda 1:
Lambda 2:
Lambda 3:
Metric | Value |
Mean Diffusivity | |
Fractional Anisotropy | |
Linearity | |
Planarity | |
Sphericity | |
Volume Ratio |

Example of diffusion tensor in a crossing region.
Mean Diffusivity
- Used in early stroke detection (it is sensitive to the presence of edema).
- High MD in CSF (\(9.6 \cdot 10^{-3} mm^2/s\)).
- Lower MD in GM and WM (between \(1.95\cdot 10^{-3} mm^2/s\) and \(2.2\cdot10^{-3} mm^2/s\)).
- Water at 37° C has MD = \(9 \cdot 10^{-3} mm^2/s\) .
- In ventricles or edema MD can be higher than in water due to water transportation.
Fractional Anisotropy
- Measures how much of the observed diffusion is due to the anisotropy.
- A ball has \(FA=0\).
- It is the distance between the tensor`s ellipsoid shape and a spherical isotropic tensor.
- Very often mistaken for a measure of WM integrity, but it is not.
- It measures how much the tensor is elongated along the main axis.
- It measures how much the tensor is close to a plane.
- If \(C_P\) is high, the concept of principal fiber direction is not well defined.
- It measures how much the tensor is close to being a sphere.
- If \(C_S\) is high, the concept of principal fiber direction is not well defined.
- Notice that \(C_L + C_P + C_S = 1\).
Volume Ratio
- It is the ratio between the volume of the ellipsoid and that of a sphere with the same MD.
- It tells you how much the tensor is far from being a sphere.